“Through this iron sky that’s fast becoming our minds” –Paolo Nutini

Great song about modern day slavery and perpetuation of poverty. Lyrics are pretty straightforward–nothing much to read into. What I like about it is that he shows “slavery” and “poverty” instead of just using these two words in the song. When I talk about these themes, I’m not just talking about the poorest people on earth either. A lot of people will be able to connect with this song because it talks about feeling stuck and deprived in a general sense. You don’t have to be “poor” to feel oppressed. Frustration is perfectly captured in this song. It’s all in the repetition about freedom with setups like “mass confusion spoon fed to the blind.”

Nutini is seriously someone to watch these next few years. He’s a musician that can deliver fantastic work in multiple genres. For me, this is a sign of a great artist because it seems to say that the intent to convey is so strong that it comes through in any form. Listen to his new Caustic Love album. I found it on YouTube and now the plan is to buy it.

Lyrics | Caustic Love Album MP3 | Iron Sky MP3